Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Remote Week

Last week, I got to work remote, which means that I got to spend an entire week at home.  And, let me tell you, it was pretty much the best thing ever.

I hadn’t spent more than 4 consecutive nights in my own apartment since October, so it pretty much felt like a vacation.  First, I didn’t have to spend my weekend preparing for travel.  So, I could do laundry Monday night instead of Friday or Saturday, and Sunday I could spend the entire day out with friends without having to worry about rushing home to pack.  Then, I got to sleep in until 6am on Monday (instead of 3:55) to start the great week where I got to pick out clothes from my own closet and use bottles of shampoo bigger than 3 ounces every day.

Being home was also great because I could accomplish so many things all week.  I packed up 3 whole boxes (yeah, I know) for my upcoming move, sorted through all of my old clothing, and even cooked! That’s right, I used my stove for the second time since starting travel.  I could even go to a yoga class or happy hour with friends in town.  Every night was almost like an adventure because there was something new to do.

I have to say though, the best part of being remote was really reconnecting. It has been so long since I spent much time in Austin that I hadn’t realized how much I was allowing myself to disconnect from it.  Being in the office was incredible to interact with and be inspired by so many coworkers that I hardly see outside of an email.  It also allowed me to feel reconnected with friends at home, because even though I might not have seen all of them all week, it helped me to feel like Austin was really home again.

Being remote last week was incredible.  But, it also made me realize that all of those little things would not have seemed so special if I got to do them every day.  So, in a way, being remote made me appreciate travel even more, because it always makes home so exciting

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